Banking IT Solutions to Keep You
Competitive and Secure

Competition in the financial industry is fierce. Banking and financial institutions need to constantly adapt to new regulations and compliance requirements.
Meanwhile, your data is a continual target for cyber attacks, data breaches, and the damaging effects they can cause. On top of it all, your customers increasingly require simpler and more comprehensive access to services, which transforms the way you do business.
Keeping ahead of the curve in financial services technology is how you can keep your financial institution secure and competitive. Whether your business needs to modernize its current IT infrastructure or develop new methods entirely, we’re here to help with integrated IT security and data solutions to make your entire IT infrastructure more protected and efficient.

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Financial IT Solutions You Can Count On

Managed Services

Managed Services

Our bank IT solutions help keep your IT infrastructure competitive and comprehensive. With 24/7 network monitoring and help desk support, long-term technology planning and strategy, and data management, we create a secure IT environment that meets financial regulations. We take care of your day-to-day IT burdens so that you can focus on serving your customers and growing your business.

Learn More About Managed Cloud Services

Financial Services Cloud

A crucial part of your success as a financial institution rests on enterprise-level integration and management of data. Let us migrate your organization to the cloud for a simple and secure way to streamline and protect your data and resources, including email, backup files and storage with built-in encryption. With redundant backup solutions, you can have the peace of mind that your data is automatically saved in multiple locations, enabling reliable remote access no matter where you are.

Learn More About the Financial Services Cloud
Financial services cloud
Security and data protection

Security and Data Protection

Because banking and financial institutions are vulnerable to predatory attacks, steep security measures are a must. Our multi-layered security solutions ensure your data and infrastructure remain protected, with proactive monitoring to detect, prevent and immediately address any potential threats.

Learn More About Security and Data Protection

Web Application Security

Online portals are key for allowing your customers to communicate, make transactions and manage their own accounts. However, this wide array of services requires the exchange of sensitive information, which makes them vulnerable to a breach or attack. Keep your web applications secure and optimized with security solutions that provide constant monitoring and protection, as well as offer restricted access options and advanced DDos protection.

Learn More About Web Application Security
Web application security

Here at Taylored, we simplify technology for banking and financial institutions so you can concentrate on growing your business and offering world-class customer service.

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